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We create visual user stories, sporting journeys and experiences, which identify

Key Messaging and Imagery 

We measure where your sport, brand or client is with respect to the opportunity to participate at any or all levels, being a welcoming and inclusive environment for Participants of all genders and abilities, Spectators, Fans and Volunteers.

Language is the catalyst of change, we help you to identify key words, phrases and imagery to ensure it has a positive and impactful message changing perception, examples of perception shifts may be:

Our Approach

We provide a current benchmark and change review process with key data points to measure, monitor and change.

Identify the current cultural context of your sport, brand or client with respect to women and girls in your sport.

Provide video stories which reflect women and girls experiences with your sport participation, spectator experiences, fan engagement and loyalty, volunteer experience and motivations, today and in the future following the introduction of new messaging and imagery.

We leverage industry research to inform our research, we are building a directory of relevant Research and welcome additions to our list.  Please contact us HERE to inform us of relevant public research.

Review and measure impact and adapt messaging and imagery to promote continued positive change.

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