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In 2024, Womens Sport is firmly on the agenda of governments, sporting bodies, brands and equipment manufacturers.

The momentum for womens sport is advancing at pace, with new research from governments, sporting bodies, brands and media companies and investment in new initiatives which are creating new participation pathways, increasing spectator numbers at events and growing digital fanbases.

As a team at WSI, we believe that learning from and sharing valuable research is important for the work we do, it provides context and a point of reference for our clients and the wider sports community.

Below is a list of organisations, who publish their research on Womens Sport which we use as a team to inform our work, we  are not associated with the individual orgaisations, however we believe that their research provides valuable inisght for ourselves and our clients and have collated a list of these organisations for you to access:

If you are aware of organisations who should be on this list or want to be on the list, then contact us HERE.



Global Women and Girls Sport Organisations

“The International Working Group (IWG) on Women & Sport is the world’s largest network dedicated to advancing gender equity and equality in sport, physical education and physical activity. It is fully aligned to the 17x United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”

The IWG Women and Sport have created an Insight HUB, which publishes toolkits, research and insights from across the world.

The next IWG Conference will be held in the UK in 2026, more information HERE

Women in Sport launched in 1984, since then they have been challenging gender inequality in sport and proving the need for change in sport to make it more accessibale and welcoming to women and girls.

Women in Sport publish research which can be found HERE

National and Regional Women and Girls Sport Organisations

UK Sport, is focused on the high performance sporting system, providing grants, research and support to National Governing Bodies of Sport, empowering and enabling elite Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

UK Sport Research and Reports are HERE

Sport England is focused on getting everyone in England living more active lives.  To support this they have created:

“Movement Hub”
“Research and Data Hub”

“Transforming sport in Canada so girls and women can reach their full potential”

The website provides tools and research, click on the links below to learn more:
Professional Sports
Research Publications

Change Our Game

Victoria Australia

“Working to level the playing field for women and girls in sport and active recreation.”

In 2015, the Government of Victoria in Australia, had an inquiry in to the state of women and girls sport in Victoria.  The inquiry can be found HERE

Research – worth a read:

The Value of You Can Be What You See

The Conversation of Sport – Representation of Women in Sports News Coverage 2022-23


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