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Advancing Womens Sport through Culture Driven Thinking

Cultural Context provides Sport Organisations and Brands with Insight into the current state of how women and girls are percieved in relation to your sport or brand.

Cultural Relevance  ensures Womens Sport is meaningful to Participants, Spectators & Fans.

Cultural Insights uncover why individuals, often unconsciously, think and behave as they do.  To establish this we use a mix of methods:

  • Culture x AI: Social Listening, aggregating and analysing online conversations and visual content from social media, websites and forums.

  • Infield cultural detective investigations: immersing our team in cultural locations/spaces to identify dominant and leading edge cultures

  • Granular distinctive asset analysis: we explore key branded touchpoints within and beyond the individual categories, identifying key visual and language cues, which may include colours, shapes, icons, names, representations of people, places & activities.

Cultural Insights & Semiotic Analysis

Semiotics tracks the way culture changes over time and identifies symbols signalling these changes – helping sports organisations and brands advance womens sport through imagery and messaging.

Semiotics unlocks the cultural meaning of sport by identifying the narratives and visual language & sensory cues that brands use to talk about themselves.

This image signifies a party is taking place behind the door, by recognising this you have carried out your own semiotic analysis.  You deduced that the balloons on the door were a symbol of a celebration taking place, you interpretated meaning from this cobination of images (ie front door and ballons).

Semiotics reveals the ways in which people interpret everyday signs at an unconscious level to create cultural meaning – understanding semiotics gives sport organisations and brand guardians control over their cultural meaning.

Cultural Context provides Sport Organisations and Brands with Insight into the current state of how women and girls are percieved in relation to your sport or brand.

Cultural Relevance  ensures Womens Sport is meaningful to Participants, Spectators & Fans.

Understanding how Womens Sport and Culture fit together creates new insights and opportunities to:

Increase participation
Enhance spectator experiences
Grow fan engagement and loyalty

We identify:

Key language nuances and messaging to influence change

Imagery that enhances the language of change

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